VOLUME 7 Number 2
Summer 1957 SUBSCRIPTIONS: Published 4 times each year. 1 yr 1st class $1.50, 2 yrs 1st class $3.00 in U.S., Canada and Mexico. "Foreign 1st class is $1.75 1 yr $3.50 2 yrs. By third class open flap $2.50 2 yrs anywhere. First class mail. is sealed in plain envelope. BACK ISSUES: Fall 54, Wntr 54, Spring 55, Smr 55, Fall 55, Wntr 55, Spring 56, Smr 56, Fall 56, Spring 57 @.41 each 1st class. ADVERTISING: Paid advertising never accepted in PP. Price information of photos is given courtesy to readers and photographers. FOREIGN REPRESENTATION: GREAT BRITAIN: John Valentine 23 Deanswood' dr Moortown Leeds England (or) Dominique Suite 35A 119 Oxford St, London W 1 England. BELGIUM: Henri Garsou 17 rue Haute Andrimont. HOLLAND: Cultuur-en-Ontspanninggingscentrum Postbus 542 Amsterdam. FRANCE: Edy Silvian 39 rue Sainte Anne, Paris 1.
MAN ON THE COVER: JOE LEITEL (See photo spread and story in middle pages of book pp 16 & 17)
MAN ON THE BACK COVER: RICHARD HARRISON 20 6 185 lbs from Salt Lake City Utah. He feels he can thank the Mormon church for his background in both acting and physical culture training because the church he attended had a gym and the Bishops and Elders encouraged his interest. He, Bill Melby, Mike Sills, and other weight trainers often went to different church branches to encourage physical culture in-
Active Motion Picture and television work, he has recently finished a series called "West Point" for Ziv Productions, "Green Grow the Lillacs" and is currently working on a science fiction film. Unhappily, Richard has listened to the agents and producers who have suggested that he reduce his weight down, drop off muscle size, so that he can fit many of the roles offered. The great athlete Steve Reeves followed this same advice and apparently it has not helped his career. At one time six months ago, Richard weighed 217 and while we are not
fond of overly bulked muscle men, on Richard it looked good and natural. We say to Hollywood to bring up its roles to fit outstanding people like Richard, not ask them to bring themselves down. If the average man would be offended by being brought face to face with what a miserable example of humanity he is--let it happen--perhaps he will be encouraged to do something to improve himself.
AMG has taken several hundred photos of Richard, plans more. They offer Catalog X813, 15 pages (240 stamp size photos) $1.50. Set of 6 stereo realist size color slides $3.50. Movie footage has been done on Dick and will be available later this year from AMG. Fans may obtain directly from Dick Harrison po box 46723 Los Angeles 46 Calif. a set of 12 4x5 photos, autographed on request. Dick will include a little note and will be glad to answer any reasonable question he can (but please dont ask more than 3 with one order). AMG plans to do some physique movies with Dick later on and would appreciate your ideas on good plots. These will be silent, approximately 4 to 6 minutes. Since he has an ideal speaking voice, we are sorry the movies cannot be in sound, but surveys have shown that a small percentage of movie collectors have sound equipment, and a picture planned with sound definitely suffers when the sound is omitted.
Scott photos offers a catalog of John which will be sent sealed
1st class mail at $1.
AMG of Los Angeles has 100 photos of John not yet catalogued (to be available later in 1957), now has in stock 6 Stereo-Realist color slides $3.50.
John expects to return to Hollywood this Winter and will do
some new poses.
Page 3
COMING SOON! AMG'S THOUSAND MODEL DIRECTORY $1. Over a thousand Athletic Model Guild models alphabetically arranged in a hundred page book. Never before have so many handsome physique poseurs been gathered together between two covers! A valuable collection in itself, the book also serves as reference to the individual catalogs AMG offers which show many additional photos of the same men. You dont need to rush--supplies are NOT limited. We know this is going to be a great seller and we've printed thousands of extra copies so whenever you're ready for yours, it will be waiting for you (After Aug 1, 1957)
JOHN NARKIS JOLCIN as he appeared after eight months in the United States. Age 22, 5'10, 170, waist 30, chest 40 relaxed. One notices à definite sign of maturing in John in comparison to the Scott photo of him across the page. John tells us that when the earlier pictures were mode, he wasnt living right at all, travelling a great deal, not always eating enough and often not getting enough sleep. Apparently he thrived on negelect.
The background picture (the Tivoli fountain) was shot by John while he was living in Rome.
AMG 1834 W 11th St Los Angeles 6, Calif of-
fers 6 Stereo Realist slides of John $3.50, and also
over 100 b&w photos @ 25c ea (to be cataloged last ter this year. John has also worked with such fine
photographers as Lyle, Apollo International, B
Art-Bob, Pat Milo, and others.
JOHN NARKIS JOLCIN was sunning himself in London's beautiful Hyde Park by the Serpentine when he met the handsome young photographer Tom who does the beautiful photos for SCOTT PHOTOS 171 Holland Road, London W14 England.
While John had done considerable fashion o modelling in London, he did not consider himself qualified to be a physique model, but when Tom insisted he gave in. The picture reproduced here has already appeared in magazines all over Europe and the USA, and Tom's many other fine pictures have made the young traveler famous. Born March 11, 1935 in Tel Aviv Israel, his family moved to Australia when he was 15 and he now makes his home
in Sydney. Having travelled much of the world he fells he would like to make his home in Hollywood, but first he will go to South Africa and a few other places to be certain of what he really wants.